Joy Of Healing

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b2ap3 thumbnail drews-1My subject today is about uniting mediums of all genres for the sole purpose of healing our world.

I’ve been working as a trance medium for the last 45 years. As a young child, I was mentored by my father, Vernon Overlee, who was a semi-trance medium for transfigurations, healing and the teachings of spirit. The Spirit family of doctors, philosophers, and teachers, who worked through my father, developed me for my mediumship.

A trance medium healer is trained throughout the years on how to generate a deeper connection to his or her spirit doctors. The spirit doctors also have to become very comfortable with the energy of the medium’s mind, body and soul. This takes great concentration, humility and patience. This ability usually starts at a very young age, as the physical body needs to grow along with the increasing spiritual vibration. Young children who are destined to become a healer should always have a mentor to guide them, for without good leadership from the elder, experienced medium, the vibrations of their healing work may diminish and they may lose focus with their spirit family. 

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Tagged in: Healing Mediumship
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