Joy Of Healing

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The Purpose of Mediumship

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b2ap3 thumbnail drews-1My subject today is about uniting mediums of all genres for the sole purpose of healing our world.

I’ve been working as a trance medium for the last 45 years. As a young child, I was mentored by my father, Vernon Overlee, who was a semi-trance medium for transfigurations, healing and the teachings of spirit. The Spirit family of doctors, philosophers, and teachers, who worked through my father, developed me for my mediumship.

A trance medium healer is trained throughout the years on how to generate a deeper connection to his or her spirit doctors. The spirit doctors also have to become very comfortable with the energy of the medium’s mind, body and soul. This takes great concentration, humility and patience. This ability usually starts at a very young age, as the physical body needs to grow along with the increasing spiritual vibration. Young children who are destined to become a healer should always have a mentor to guide them, for without good leadership from the elder, experienced medium, the vibrations of their healing work may diminish and they may lose focus with their spirit family. 

Mediumship is an inherent gift handed down throughout eternity. It is a part of one’s destiny and is accomplished for the purpose to heal and enlighten all aspects of life including religion and science, and most importantly, we are destined to learn that all of us living on the physical earth and in the spirit world are all on the same path. We are here to help and befriend each other in order to resolve the issues we face today, and learn from our past to create a brighter and more productive society.

Mediums are aware of a knowingness of the unknown, and many of us have acquired the ability of clearing our thoughts so that spirit can filter clean, pure thoughts which helps the full potential to grow with our spirit guides and, in turn, helps us to help heal the world. 

The human and spiritual evolution depends on two choices. Mankind will choose to repeat the same dilemmas with very little wisdom gained on how to stop the chaos that the world has endured for centuries, and if not addressed, the world will continue in the same manner for future generations to come.

The other choice is obvious. We must begin to make wiser decisions and implement a course of action that will benefit the necessary healing of our world. Spirit teaches, “One plus one equals two,” and, “It’s not what you have, it is what you do with it,” the common sense approach to life. 

All mediums of all genres have a purpose to heal the world’s issues, which are all a part of greed, power, hatred and control that affects the existence of each and every one of us. Instead of a caring, moralistic approach to heal our world, we are inundated with obscure, confusing thoughts that create fear in relaying who we really are. When we realize this and are honest about the infamous question,  “Who am I,” we will then attain through our intuition the wisdom from the higher vibrational levels of energy in the spirit world.

So many are blessed with gifts that gather knowledge from their spirit guides. Some advancements about the purpose of our lives on the physical earth and the life hereafter have been accomplished, but their is further knowledge that religion and science have yet to obtain. We can not think of ourselves as a nation who has accomplished great advancements when we still cannot figure out how to help those who do without the necessities of life–food and shelter.

My spirit family states that one day all people will unite in love, truth and honesty. This is a lifetime quest through all the many physical planes, as well as in the spirit world. But at the present time, we, as mediums, can encourage significant heartfelt and knowledgeable headway that can ensure the beginning of our world to grow into a University of wisdom, as our world was meant to be.

The community of spirit healers and mediums could help change the world’s issues through the knowledge of their spirit families. This endeavor would create a milestone in history and would accomplish the greatest gift we can give back to the world and our families in the world of spirit.

Thank you very much. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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