My destiny as it was intended
Ever had a REMARKABLE EXPERIENCE? I did. It started the day I saw an old friend who had been struggling with Fibremyalgia. She was looking wonderful.
I inquired as to what had brought about this dramatic change and she told me about her work with Tammy, Andrew and their Family in Spirit. She mentioned she was going to have an intensive and asked me to join her on her trip. Fortunately for me, this was the beginning of a remarkable change in my life. During this visit I was able to have my first session with Dr. Robert. He provided me with information about food, diet and daily juicing that would lead to a dramatic change in my health. I made an appointment for my own intensive and by the time I returned in six weeks I had lost 30 lbs. and my blood pressure was dropping. After my intensive I was walking three miles a day and over the next few months continued to lose weight, in all 90lbs.
Nice for a side benefit of getting well (the weight loss was not the goal). While my physical improvement was amazing, the emotional work I did with Dr. Gregore was equally important and equally as amazing. The work with Dr Gregore allowed me to deal with the root emotional problems which had manifested into my physical illness. This work also focused me on listening to my own intuition thereby establishing a more meaningful relationship with my own guide and Family in Spirit.
I came to understand that to sustain my physical health, I must also be well emotionally. It is now four years later and I am ready and able to return to work. But even more importantly, because of Spirits’ guidance and gracious love and Tammy and Andrew’s choice to carry out this work, I have been given the opportunity to fulfill my destiny as it was intended.
Gloria Z Calgary